Tuesday, 6 July 2010

If you read back to the March blog you will see that I began lunge work in the barn and hoped to progress to outdoor work when the land dried out. All going as planned there. This week Sheltie has taken his skills to a new level. He worked on line in the barn and then with the rope wrapped round his neck. He walked and trotted on request, plus changed direction without the line on. He also did the same with all his tack off. This was pretty good I thought and all the more so as the barn door was wide open and he was free to leave at any time. However, I then took him outdoors and repeated his lunge work. On line both directions, then with rope around neck and finally totally free, no tack at all. We were on land open to the main field with gates open and the other two horses grazing nearby. Sheltie was amazing. He stretched his circle out which meant he had to go around a couple of trees to complete the circuit, but he did continue until I said stand. He changed direction though he threw in a rear for good measure on setting off, and he trotted his new lap, again weaving about the trees to make the larger circle, As soon as I called stand he stopped and faced into me. When I pulled an imaginary line through my hands he came up for his reward. Is this not amazing when you think he could not lunge at all at Christmas, and now he understands and obeys in open acres of land! with no ropes on him at all...wow!


  1. Kay, That is sooooooo good! You should write a book you know. I think you must be a clever as the Horse Whisperer!
    I am proud of you both :0)
    Val xx

  2. Hi Kay! Thought you might like to visit this blog
    I think you have a lot in common!
    I'll send a snail mail soon,
    love for now
    Val xx

  3. Hello, Kay, what a lovely blog - your pony is a sweetheart. Drop by mine sometime, you'll be very welcome. (I am the person Val has recommended above, and yes, I think we have a lot in common, too!)

  4. Dear Mother of the Bride .... hope you have a wonderful day ..... just watch those scissors!
    I'll write early next week.
    love and blessings,
