Thursday, 24 June 2010

birthday boy soon

Sheltie is four years old on the 27th or 28th of this month. Today I put his bridle and bit on and did all his work with him tacked. He clattered the bit about a lot at first, but never rubbed his head or stressed. I led him around and it seemed to me that he followed more willingly, I was not using the bit for steering but I think he was so baffled by it that he felt he ought to stick close! I was able to lead him in lots of figures on the field, towards and way from the other two quietly grazing. Sheltie didn't try to force the direction at all and when I wanted him to turn away from me I used the inside rein and just gently tweaked it so that he could feel something. I kept the walk up for a lot longer than usual, trying to set him up a bit to tell me he had had enough, but he never. He was extremely biddable and when I finally stopped I had quite a bit of unbuckling and stuff to do. He never moved a foot whilst waiting for me to remove all his equipment. I think he is a little treasure. xx He shakes front legs well. Now I can pick up hind legs and do same, I just pull one out and say "and shake" as I wriggle him about! He is very trusting,the point of all my messing is to make him trustworthy for handling not just party tricks for the sake of.

1 comment:

  1. Hello my dear darling Friend!!!! Look who has found out how to leave messages on your blog!! ME! and all by myself!!! Yipee!!
    I hope you had a birthday cake for the little man with candles and a card. It is soooooooooo good to see your picture Kay. :0) love to you, God bless, Val xx
