Saturday, 5 July 2014

a giant step for sheltie...

Well, I have had this little chap now for 6 1/2 years and finally have an exercise cart for him. I got one from Robinsons  and a lovely real leather harness from Mottram horse show. Sheltie has been out for one ten minute walk and then a proper walk down to the arena carpark which probably was a round trip of 45 minute twice. I was a nervous wreck, he was very good apart from rearing in fright when a gelding in the  field beside the road started bucking alongside us...a bit hairy but he settled, and then on last trip doing really well  until a bloke on a push bike suddenly appeared up our bums. I would have reared too if I had been a pony he took me by surprise.
I haven't had anybody in the cart yet but have managed to tack him and connect him all alone and undo at end, he was very calm being unhitched he knew it was going to be field time again and he just stood in middle of yard waiting while I undid buckles and swingle tree loops and walked cart away from him. I am very happy with the way he behaved, it felt really worrying going out; the trap is so confining for a pony but after sorting out rearing twice with no problem I will feel more confident next time. Once the fright was over he got back to pulling and seemed relaxed again. I kept singing sunday school songs to keep my nerves as we had traffic passing us two buses came towards us  all well, but we did not have one from behind thank goodness.
Yesterday I took him and Mollie Collie a walk  without the cartand paid a visit to the greengrocer who gave me Sheltie so long ago. We had people in the street stop to pet him, a couple of cars pulled over to talk and he was so calm and interested in his admirers it was no problem at all, he stood patiently when I chatted and accepted the petting. He got a carrot at the shop so that will make a nice memory for him.
When I drive to the fields he sees the car and rushes over to the gate before I even call him. All the years  of routine visits and walks and handling are paying off now, he is a pleasure to take out, accepted his new toy with great aplomb and I am looking forward to little riders on him again soon. We have been walking and long reining in the arena so that when he has off- lead riders on this summer I am hoping he will follow the schooling shapes we have practised and accept the rein aids from the rider rather than from me behind...I will report on the theory seems hopeful but the proof will be seen in the summer hols!
And do you know it is four years in two months since Spice died....still hurts.

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