Thursday, 18 August 2011


Well, since Sheltie was a naughty boy, I never took any chances with the last visitors, I kept him on a short lead and we were able to give a couple of little boys a new experience, but I could tell by the body language that given half a chance he would have been somewhere else. However, at work today I was talking to a very dainty 14 year old girl who is a very experienced and brave rider...she is going to come and have a turn on Sheltie in the morning...she is quite used to falling off, has been dragged by a stirrup and loves jumping so she could be the one to teach Sheltie a new way of working.
Having had the bad times I have to say that he and I have been working on the bending poles and he is absolutely brilliant weaving in and out of them. I added a small jump on the track after the pole on the ground and he has taken both on his lunge very nicely. Today after bending I went back over the pole with him and then slipped a rein over his shoulder and we jumped the jump side by side! (well I can't do it on his back can I ?)
I am either a very dedicated pony person or seriously simple. I am still happy , nay excited, to be able to go round in circles in a field with a short fat pony on the end of a rope. You decide!
I will add the result of the new rider tomorrow xx

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