Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Humans 1 Pony 0

Ha. that got the little blighter sorted.
He let the rider on good as gold, standing properly and relaxed. When asked to move forward he tried a rear...really scary - not - as he is only a bit taller than me when he did it. Lauren said "I like a horse (!) with spirit". He then did a tidgy little buck which never quite reached his back legs.
I led them through the bending poles and then removed the lead rope. Lauren was able to guide him through the poles using the reins properly. He was a bit twitchy but went where he should. Lauren came again a few days later to repeat the task. He tried to go into reverse but once under way she was able to steer him about the poles and track quite nicely. She said he felt much more relaxed the second time too. He knows exactly what we want and he can do exactly what we want so if he does not do it when small people are on board it is because he is being a very naughty boy.... He is a Thelwell pony through and through xx
Lauren mastered long reining is good if he is biddable and understands commands from others even though I do not intend letting anyone else have him!
He jumped on the lunge beautifully, even  knowingly, he really lifted neatly, not rushed or a mad clearance but just right. I think he is a smart little pony and hope that we do get him gentler for little riders.

Thursday, 18 August 2011


Well, since Sheltie was a naughty boy, I never took any chances with the last visitors, I kept him on a short lead and we were able to give a couple of little boys a new experience, but I could tell by the body language that given half a chance he would have been somewhere else. However, at work today I was talking to a very dainty 14 year old girl who is a very experienced and brave rider...she is going to come and have a turn on Sheltie in the morning...she is quite used to falling off, has been dragged by a stirrup and loves jumping so she could be the one to teach Sheltie a new way of working.
Having had the bad times I have to say that he and I have been working on the bending poles and he is absolutely brilliant weaving in and out of them. I added a small jump on the track after the pole on the ground and he has taken both on his lunge very nicely. Today after bending I went back over the pole with him and then slipped a rein over his shoulder and we jumped the jump side by side! (well I can't do it on his back can I ?)
I am either a very dedicated pony person or seriously simple. I am still happy , nay excited, to be able to go round in circles in a field with a short fat pony on the end of a rope. You decide!
I will add the result of the new rider tomorrow xx

Tuesday, 9 August 2011


Oh dear~ everything seemed to be going so well. We had two little girls up on Sunday and he was really good, a little lead and a little lunge work. The lunge was so good that the little girl was able to halt him with the reins and move him on with voice and a nudge. So another little friend who can ride to a trot came on the Wednesday to do a bit more.....but she rode at 10 not 8 and methinks Sheltie was a bit fed up not being in paddock with pals by this time because he decided to have a little buck and another and another...the little girl bounced and bounced and then left the saddle...she bruised her elbow and bit her lip good and hard, there was blood everywhere...I felt so awful as it was meant to be a treat for her and she ended up in tears. I called to see her later in the day and she was fine but it was not a good morning! The next day my next victim was at 10.00 as well so I took no chances, we just did lead rein with an eye on grumpy bum's ears. All went well but I need to make sure he isn't starving to death by the time riders arrive! He has extra hay before they came but it is not the same as being out in the field.
Two days later he long reined down a line of bending poles and took a pole into his lunge work, his jump was really neat and he was quite relaxed. Which goes to show he is not a machine and knows what he likes and does not like. I have two or three youngsters from church over on the 16th Aug so I will try to have him in a better frame of mind...don't want more tears.
Lately, since he realised how well I could groom him , he has been trying to groom me while I am poo picking in the stable. Because he is little his droppings are dinky and scatter easily and so I can be grovelling about for quite a while picking up bits from the bedding (Eezibed) he is at me constantly with little nibbles saying " come on, let's groom each other" If he was 15 hands it would be daunting to have him in your face like this but 'cos he is not it is just funny. He tries to give you his foot so that you have to rub him and love him, he is rather like a big dog wanting attention and that is why he is so much fun. It is probably very bad horsemanship to let him fuss around me but I am glad that he wants my attention even if it is for his own personal gratification.