Wednesday, 8 September 2010


I did not know that when I told you about my beautiful mare that she would be gone a month later.I had to have her put to sleep today, with some progressive mental degeneration. She looked sweet and well till you saw her stumble and act in an aimless manner. She had begun to lose weight and had a bout of colic after which it was just a downward path with no return. She did not suffer, the end was painless and stress free she still was beautiful but the time had come.I do not know how the hole she leaves will ever be filled nor the pain and loss I feel will ever fade. I loved Spice every minute of the nine years I had her. Sheltie has got a hard act to follow, I don't think he will ever have the same charisma, she was gentle through and through, never knew the meaning of temper. I am glad to have been able to give her a peaceful and dignified end but I wish it was not so soon. Goodbye my darling, and she was a darling.


  1. My dear sister Kay, what can I say ..... I am crying for you as I write and want to give you a hug ..... I am praying for you ..... may you know God's love around you and in time the healing of memories of happier days together. Jonathan is sad for you too.
    We were so glad you were down here and appreciate you coming knowing how ill Spice was.
    Bless you my dear Kay,
    with love in Jesus
    Val xxx

  2. Dear Kay ...... A B I G H U G coming to you ..... and my prayers
    love Val xx

  3. I put my hand in my pocket and thought of you ..... how come? Conkers ..... I thought "Kay would have them in her pocket too!" We are going to "chuck and plant" Bella and me, down at the lake in; 50 years from now there will be the start of a new forest!
    I thought of you .... so I prayed.
    Lunch time came and I opened a tin of mackeral and I thought of you!
    May God bless you my dear sister :0)
    Val xx
