Thursday, 24 June 2010

birthday boy soon

Sheltie is four years old on the 27th or 28th of this month. Today I put his bridle and bit on and did all his work with him tacked. He clattered the bit about a lot at first, but never rubbed his head or stressed. I led him around and it seemed to me that he followed more willingly, I was not using the bit for steering but I think he was so baffled by it that he felt he ought to stick close! I was able to lead him in lots of figures on the field, towards and way from the other two quietly grazing. Sheltie didn't try to force the direction at all and when I wanted him to turn away from me I used the inside rein and just gently tweaked it so that he could feel something. I kept the walk up for a lot longer than usual, trying to set him up a bit to tell me he had had enough, but he never. He was extremely biddable and when I finally stopped I had quite a bit of unbuckling and stuff to do. He never moved a foot whilst waiting for me to remove all his equipment. I think he is a little treasure. xx He shakes front legs well. Now I can pick up hind legs and do same, I just pull one out and say "and shake" as I wriggle him about! He is very trusting,the point of all my messing is to make him trustworthy for handling not just party tricks for the sake of.

Wednesday, 16 June 2010

happy in his work?

Sheltie is so lovable. Today, because I was quite short of time I planned just to say hello and put suncream and fly spray on the ponies. I had a really long ride yesterday so Spice was in no rush to do anything anyway. The ponies were grazing so I took my bits and pieces to them and gave them a mane brush in the sunshine. Sheltie is accepting a serious groom now without backing up but today I just brushed his mane and tail. He stood really nicely and even let me put sun cream on his nose without a fuss. Spice had the same beauty treatment and then I kissed them goodbye and took the kit back to the barn. I walked back down the path intending to climb over the street gate and leave them to graze, but Sheltie suddenly came over to the fence and followed me to the open gate that comes onto the path.
It was as if he thought I should not be going as I had not actually made him do anything (for a change). He came out of the field to me and then stopped in front,hinting that I might have nice things in my pocket but not being pushy at all. I reckon he was confused because he had not done any of his usual tricks so there on the path I asked him to shake hands, lift his feet, back up, come forward, and shake his back feet which is my latest game for him. (When I pick up his back feet he always drops his sheath..boys bits..and I presume this is a sign that he is relaxed about the business) He went through his party pieces and accepted the one solitary pony nut in the bottom of my pocket and then he was happy for me to go. What a sweetie! He would be wasted as a "lawn mower", he is really sociable and funny and I love him xx